Based on the idea of taking care of others’ assets and resources, stewardship extends to being responsible for the management and long-term maintenance of data assets based on their interests of future generations, not ours. Big Data, social media, new partnerships and technologies are boosting a general impetus for cross-border collaborations and shared use of complex technological structures, making the issue of data stewardship urgent but also technically and ethically challenging.
- Maintain data in a way that safeguards diversity and authenticity
- Be sensitive to both the short and the long-term implications of your data management practices
Further Information
The networks and infrastructures through which data travel are increasingly widespread and complex. Preserving accountability for ownership and handling of data is difficult, but hugely important. It is helpful to think during any IT design process, from where am I collecting my data? How many hands does it need to travel through to reach me? Who or what do I need to hand it over to?
No one can monitor everything, so clear delegation, and awareness of one’s own responsibilities is essential