Ethics Consultancy
AISLA Project

Responsible Research Innovation for AI assistants teaching English as a foreign language for teenagers
University of Tübingen: Hector Institüt for Educational Research (Tübingen, Germany)
Lead By: Malé Luján Escalante and Luke Robert Moffat
isITethical? partnered with AISLA in Spring 2022 for an ethical consultancy. We held focus groups with teenaged A level students in the UK, which fed into the design and delivery of a series of creative workshops. Over two days in Tubingen, AISLA and isITethical? team members explored, mapped out and reflected on some of the wider social and ethical issues associated with AI in education contexts. The team co-created an ELSI manifesto, developed through creative participatory methods, to incorporate an increased ethical awareness and preparedness when designing AI tools.
Download the AISLA Framework here: AISLA ELSi Framework